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The table below gives an overview of things you can configure in your Texterify instance. Make sure to also check out the .env file.

APP_HOSTexample.comThe fully qualified name of the web server (for example used for constructing email links).
ASSET_HOSTexample.comThe fully qualified name of the asset server. This is normally the same as the APP_HOST.
EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_REQUIREDfalseWhether email confirmation is required or not. If set to true make sure to also configure your email server.
DB_PROD_HOSTdbThe database host.
DB_PROD_USERNAMEpostgresThe database username.
DB_PROD_DATABASEtexterify_productionThe name of your database.
DB_PROD_PASSWORDThe password of your database user if needed.
http_proxySpecify a HTTP proxy for your application.
SIDEKIQ_REDIS_SERVER_URLredis://redis:6379/0The Sidekiq Redis server url. Learn more at Sidekiq basics and Sidekiq using Redis.
SIDEKIQ_REDIS_CLIENT_URLredis://redis:6379/0The Sidekiq Redis client url. Learn more at Sidekiq basics and Sidekiq using Redis.

External services

Texterify makes use of some external services. Below you find instructions on how to configure them.


You need to configure a mail server so Texterify can send emails (e.g. password forgot emails). Make use of the following configuration options to integrate your mail server or provider:

SMTP_FROM_EMAILno-reply@example.comSet the from and reply-to email of the emails (e.g. In previous versions only the domain could be changed via MAILER_HOST.
SMTP_ADDRESSlocalhostThe address of the mail server.
SMTP_PORT25The port of the mail server.
SMTP_DOMAINIf you need to specify a HELO domain.
SMTP_USER_NAMESpecify a username if your server requires authentication.
SMTP_PASSWORDSpecify a password if your server requires authentication.
SMTP_AUTHENTICATIONYou can specify the authentication type here. Choose one of the following if needed:
  • plain (will send the password in the clear)
  • login (will send password Base64 encoded)
  • cram_md5 (combines a Challenge/Response mechanism to exchange information and a cryptographic Message Digest 5 algorithm to hash important information)
SMTP_ENABLE_STARTTLS_AUTOtrueDetermines if STARTTLS is enabled in your SMTP server and starts to use it.
SMTP_OPENSSL_VERIFY_MODEWhen you use TLS you can define how OpenSSL checks the certificate. Choose one of the following if needed:
  • none
  • peer
SMTP_TLSfalseEnables the SMTP connection to use SMTP/TLS (SMTPS: SMTP over direct TLS connection).

Machine translation

Texterify does all the handling around machine translation for you, but the text is finally translated by DeepL. Therefore if you want to use machine translation you need to configure DeepL:

DEEPL_API_TOKENIf you want to use machine translation you need to create an account on and set your API token here.

This feature requires communication outside of your network. If a proxy is required for communication you can set the proxy with the http_proxy environment variable.

Over the air translations

The over the air feature works by hosting the translation files on the Google Cloud. If you need to make use of this feature you will have to create a storage bucket and configure it:

GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECTThe name of your Google Cloud project.
GOOGLE_CLOUD_KEYFILEThe Google Cloud key file used for authentication. See here for more information.
GOOGLE_CLOUD_OTA_BUCKET_NAMEThe name of the bucket used for storing the translation bundles.

This feature requires communication outside of your network. If a proxy is required for communication you can set the proxy with the http_proxy environment variable.